Updated: 2012-09-28 20:30:33
The first follow-ups at 24 and 36 months were highly positive. By the time the participants were age five, however, most of those results had disappeared. In the follow-up at age eighteen, the results for the treatment and control children showed no effect for any of the indicators, which covered intellectual ability, academic achievement, behavioral [...]
Updated: 2012-09-28 19:30:36
Background: Previous studies indicate that in published reports, trial results can be distorted by the use of “spin” (specific reporting strategies, intentional or unintentional, emphasizing the beneficial effect of the experimental treatment). We aimed to (1) evaluate the presence of “spin” in press releases and associated media coverage; and (2) evaluate whether findings of randomized [...]
Updated: 2012-09-28 18:42:23

I sparred with him while I was a student at the University of Texas. Still, I had lasting respect. This is from the WSJ: [T]he trustees of Boston University invited John Silber, then at the University of Texas, to apply for their presidency. In his job interview, he ripped into the school’s faculty, its buildings and [...]
Updated: 2012-09-28 16:30:36
In what could be the ultimate in personalized medicine, animals bearing your disease, or part of your anatomy, can serve as your personal guinea pig, so to speak. Some researchers call them avatars, like the virtual characters in movies and online games. “The mice allow you the opportunity to test drugs to find out which [...]
Updated: 2012-09-28 15:30:00
Your great-grandparents faced infectious diseases that hardly threaten you today: tuberculosis, polio, cholera, malaria, yellow fever, measles, mumps, rubella, smallpox, typhoid, typhus, tapeworm, hookworm…But there’s also a long list of modern illnesses that your great-grandparents barely knew: asthma, eczema, hay fever, food allergies, Crohn’s disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis. The coincidence of the rise [...]
Updated: 2012-09-28 15:00:20
: : . Business Ethics and Leadership Home Beyond Compliance Ethics Codes Workplace Culture Case Studies Decision Making Insights Business Ethics Career Development Leadership Management Quotes , Observations Resources Donate Business Ethics Insight : The golden rule for every business man is this : Put yourself in your customer’s place . 8221 Orison Swett Marden by Michael Josephson on September 28, 2012 Share : this Share Email Facebook Twitter Print Cancel reply Leave a Comment Name E-mail Website Notify me of follow-up comments by . email Notify me of new posts by . email Previous post : Management Insight : Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management , which is perhaps the most important ingredient
Updated: 2012-09-28 14:29:13
Food cravings activate the same reward circuits in the brain as cravings for drugs or alcohol, according to functional MRI scans, tests that measure brain activity by detecting changes in blood flow. For decades, researchers surmised that food cravings were the body’s subconscious effort to correct nutritional deficiencies…But a growing body of research casts doubt [...]
Updated: 2012-09-27 22:25:14
Marv Shepherd, PhD, president of the Partnership for Safe Medicines, comments on Interchange 2012. Counterfeit medicines in the world’s drug supply chain pose a significant threat to millions of patients worldwide. For the past three years, the Partnership for Safe Medicines (PSM) has been on the front lines on this issue and has worked [...]
Updated: 2012-09-27 20:30:50
We find that both changes in smoking and in obesity are expected to have large effects on mortality. For males, the reductions in smoking have larger effects than the rise in obesity throughout the projection period. By 2040, male life expectancy at age 40 is expected to have gained 0.92 years from the combined effects. [...]
Updated: 2012-09-27 18:30:27
There are no large organisms that support themselves primarily by preying on humans; so far as I know, there have been none for several thousand years. There are lots of microscopic organisms that do so. Why the difference? One possible answer is that macro predators face a tragedy of the commons — the deer I [...]
Updated: 2012-09-27 16:30:09
David Henderson explains: I was driving and so my wife got on the iPad and did a Google search. What came up was a site called “Just Answer.” She clicked on the link for “Doctors and Nurses” and registered. She had two choices: (1) pay $24 and wait who knows how long for an answer [...]
Updated: 2012-09-27 15:30:06
Why academic medical centers do poorly on quality report cards. Why corruption may save lives. Exercise does seem to contribute to waist-tightening, provided that the amount of exercise is neither too little nor, more strikingly, too much. Every year, an estimated 4,000 cases of items left in the patient’s body after surgery, and the vast [...]
Updated: 2012-09-27 15:00:38
: , , . Business Ethics and Leadership Home Beyond Compliance Ethics Codes Workplace Culture Case Studies Decision Making Insights Business Ethics Career Development Leadership Management Quotes , Observations Resources Donate Management Insight : Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management , which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy , healthy and rewarding life . Marilu Henner by Michael Josephson on September 27, 2012 Share : this Share Email Facebook Twitter Print Cancel reply Leave a Comment Name E-mail Website Notify me of follow-up comments by . email Notify me of new posts by . email Previous post : Leadership Insight : A boss creates fear a leader confidence . A boss fixes
Updated: 2012-09-27 14:22:24
Catania! Scene 57 from Marco Giannangelo on Vimeo. This is scene 57 from Catania! one of the first we have gotten edited, where the three Parlazzi sisters, Seconda, Fulvia, and Duplecia (played by Zoe Myers, Maggie Henry, and Concetta DeLuco) talk about their relationships, only to be interrupted by Duplecia’s stalking [...]
Updated: 2012-09-26 20:10:00

Yesterday morning, I was sitting with my daughter watching “Play with me Sesame” on the Sprout channel. Over the last couple of months, my daughter’s love for this show has grown – she now dances to the songs and points to the television when she sees her favorite puppet Elmo. Like many other parents who [...]
Updated: 2012-09-26 18:09:28
There are currently big strides being made in moving towards personalized genomic medicine. These recent leaps may represent the beginning of the fruits of the Human Genome Project, completed almost a decade ago. Recently, The Hastings Center, the American Medical Association, and PBS partnered to educate the public on personalized ...
Updated: 2012-09-25 20:24:56

A large part of Drugfree.org’s Medicine Abuse Project campaign talks through how to ‘safeguard’ medicines. In fact, during last night’s ivillage Medicine Abuse Project Twitter meetup, Drugfree.org CEO Steve Pasierb had a great tweet about how easy it is – nine easy words! – to remember what to do. “The mantra I try to tell [...]
Updated: 2012-09-25 15:00:43
: . Business Ethics and Leadership Home Beyond Compliance Ethics Codes Workplace Culture Case Studies Decision Making Insights Business Ethics Career Development Leadership Management Quotes , Observations Resources Donate Business Ethics Insight : You cannot teach a man anything you can only help him to discover it in himself . Galileo Galilei 1564-1642, Italian physicist and astronomer by Michael Josephson on September 25, 2012 Share : this Share Email Facebook Twitter Print Cancel reply Leave a Comment Name E-mail Website Notify me of follow-up comments by . email Notify me of new posts by . email Previous post : Management Insight : We cling to hierarchies because our place in a hierarchy is , rightly or wrongly , a major indicator of our social worth . 8221 Harold J . Leavitt Search
Updated: 2012-09-24 17:14:26

This is a guest post from Stephen J. Pasierb, President and CEO of The Partnership at Drugfree.org. He leads an effective, research-based, national nonprofit whose mission is to help parents prevent, intervene in and find treatment for drug and alcohol use by their children. Prescription medicine is now the most commonly abused drug among 12 [...]
Updated: 2012-09-21 21:02:25

Scientific American has several good blogs, and one of my favorites is Gary Stix’s Talking Back (@gstix1) which covers neuroscience. Today Gary wrote a quick post about a new study published in Nature which maps out the architecture of our brain’s genetics (don’t click the Nature link unless you’re ready for some intense nerd-speak). That [...]
Updated: 2012-09-21 17:53:32

Drugfree.org has released a bright new infographic detailing the national statistics on prescription drug abuse. If you somehow missed the gravity of the problem before, look this one over and get involved.
Updated: 2012-09-20 23:15:57

PhRMA President & CEO John Castellani spoke this morning about the future of America’s biopharmaceutical research industry at a “Newsmaker” program at the National Press Club. You can see Mr. Castellani’s remarks in full here. The core of his remarks focused on the long-term policies this country needs to foster continued medical innovation for patients, new jobs created by [...]
Updated: 2012-09-20 16:59:45
Drug Recall Lawyer Blog Published by Miller Zois , LLC Free Consultation 800-553-8082 Home Website Practice Areas Contact Us Home Drugs Heart Problems with Mirapex Previous Home Posted On : September 20, 2012 by Ronald V . Miller , Jr . Heart Problems with Mirapex Share The FDA said yesterday that Mirapex , a drug used to treat Parkinson's disease and restless leg syndrome , may cause heart failure . I don't think anything is conclusive , but results of recent studies indicate a potential risk of heart failure . More studies are necessary to confirm these findings but if you are taking Mirapex , you have to be concerned . This was not just a single study that could have gone awry . Instead , the study looked at pooled analysis of multiple randomized clinical trials . Researchers found that
Updated: 2012-09-20 14:43:21

I invite you to join PhRMA President and CEO John Castellani today as he discusses some of the policy choices faced in Washington, D.C. and in state capitals that will help shape the future of health care and our economy — and how such decisions could impact our ability to sustain and build medical progress [...]
Updated: 2012-09-19 14:36:27

A study in the August 2012 edition of the medical journal Health Affairs by S. Jay Olshansky and colleagues showed that there has been a four year drop in life expectancy since 1990 for whites without a college degree, and an even greater [...]
Updated: 2012-09-18 16:00:28
Drug Recall Lawyer Blog Published by Miller Zois , LLC Free Consultation 800-553-8082 Home Website Practice Areas Contact Us Home Drugs August 2012 Medication Label Changes Previous Home Next Posted On : September 18, 2012 by Ronald V . Miller , Jr . August 2012 Medication Label Changes Share Last month brought changes to fifty-three 53 medical product labels way up from 41 changes in July with changes to the prescribing information to include any of the following areas : boxed warnings , contraindications , warnings , precautions , adverse reactions , patient package insert , and medication . guide For a complete detailed accounting of the label changes , please refer to the summary of meds By clicking onto the drug name , you will be able to view the detailed summary , which will
Updated: 2012-09-18 16:00:20
This is the first scene we have edited from our film Catania! (kickstarter campaign here) which filmed Aug 6-23, 2012 (password is “catania”). Maggie Henry as Fulvia notices that a (unknown to her) valuable painting is missing, while the Dottore (played by Neil Shulman) looks for his cat Cici. We [...]
Updated: 2012-09-13 17:08:57
Watch this video with my son and actor Dylan Bremner talking about our comedy Catania! which was filmed in Atlanta Aug 6-23, 2012. Please go here to make a pledge of $20 or more and get a coffee mug with [...]
Updated: 2012-09-12 20:11:01
Drug Recall Lawyer Blog Published by Miller Zois , LLC Free Consultation 800-553-8082 Home Website Practice Areas Contact Us Home Stryker Hip Implants New Stryker Hip Replacement Lawsuits Previous Home Next Posted On : September 12, 2012 by Ronald V . Miller , Jr . New Stryker Hip Replacement Lawsuits Share Stryker hip replacement lawsuits are being settled in massive numbers , but more are being filed . Seven new plaintiffs have filed hip replacement lawsuits in New Jersey state court claiming injury from a defective Rejuvenate metal hip replacement system , which was recalled in . July The plaintiffs live in Minnesota , Arizona and Florida but filed their lawsuits in New Jersey . Because Stryker is in New Jersey , there is no diversity jurisdiction which is why these plaintiffs are
Updated: 2012-09-11 16:39:50
Drug Recall Lawyer Blog Published by Miller Zois , LLC Free Consultation 800-553-8082 Home Website Practice Areas Contact Us Home Drug Warnings Drugs Zyprexa Failure to Warn Claim Fails Previous Home Next Posted On : September 11, 2012 by Ronald V . Miller , Jr . Zyprexa Failure to Warn Claim Fails Share What happens when a drug company fails to warn of the risk of the product and the prescribing doctor later learns of the risk and continues to prescribe the drug The 2nd Circuit took this issue on in McElroy v . Eli Lilly In this case , the plaintiff's psychiatrist continued prescribing of Zyprexa a drug that treats bipolar disorder and schizophrenia even after being told of Zyprexa's diabetes risk . In fact , the doctor even upped the dosage of the drug after March 1, 2004 the date Eli
Updated: 2012-09-11 15:44:40
Drug Recall Lawyer Blog Published by Miller Zois , LLC Free Consultation 800-553-8082 Home Website Practice Areas Contact Us Home Hormone Therapy Prempro Hormone Therapy Drug 5.1 Million Verdict in Utah Previous Home Next Posted On : September 11, 2012 by Ronald V . Miller , Jr . Hormone Therapy Drug 5.1 Million Verdict in Utah Share On Friday , a federal jury in Utah ordered Wyeth and Pharmacia Upjohn Co to pay a hormone replacement therapy plaintiff 5.1 million after finding that her breast cancer was caused by Premarin , Provera and Prempro , and that the defendants failed to adequately warn about the risk of breast cancer and these drugs . Interestingly , the jury did not find the defendants liable on the strict liability failure to warn and the negligent design defect . claims The
Updated: 2012-09-11 14:15:02
Drug Recall Lawyer Blog Published by Miller Zois , LLC Free Consultation 800-553-8082 Home Website Practice Areas Contact Us Home Drugs Nationwide Recall of Hydrocodone Bitartrate and Acetaminophen Tablets Previous Home Next Posted On : September 11, 2012 by Ronald V . Miller , Jr . Nationwide Recall of Hydrocodone Bitartrate and Acetaminophen Tablets Share The FDA has announced a nationwide retail level recall for one lot of Hydrocodone Bitartrate and Acetaminophen Tablets , USP 10 mg 500 mg , as it has been determined that some tablets from the lot exceed the weight specification , and could be super-potent” for the ingredients Hydrocodone Bitartrate and . Acetaminophen The recall affects the : following Hydrocodone Bitartrate and Acetaminophen Tablets , USP 10 mg 500 mg , NDC
Updated: 2012-09-10 16:59:01

In 2001 Hoffmann-La Roche’s drug Accutane was selling in its billions worldwide as a treatment for acne. For those who suffered from extreme scarring acne, it was something of a miraculous treatment, however evidence started to mount that for others it was a death sentence. Over the next few years it was estimated that between [...]
Updated: 2012-09-09 05:00:00
Modern Aging: Dealing with 'sundowning'
Updated: 2012-09-06 03:21:34
You helped us make our film. We’ve got 40 hours of footage but we don’t think you want to watch that! We hoped the film would edit itself but it doesn’t seem to work that way! Now help us with the critical editing process so that we can make a film we can [...]